Sunday, March 29, 2009


(Sorry it's late!!! Finally got a new computer!)

Good Golly! I can not believe how fast time flys!

Current Weight: 7030 grams
Current Length: 63cm
Current Size: 00

(Use the online converter if you would like to work it out in pounds and inches.)

Well she is certainly getting smarter by the day now and cheekier as I explained in my last post! She's starting to roll over a lot now too and we really have to watch her on the change table! (She actually rolled over a few times in her first month but only when she got really stroppy and would throw herself around - but then she never did it again.)

She has so much more interest in toys now - so we bought her a little play table which she loves! It's actually meant for 4months and up - so it's a bit big for her. But that doesn't stop her from playing with it and we've put a little stand underneath so she can rest her feet on it and stand herself up. We also have her sitting in it back to front so that she can lean against the back rest for support. She just loves it and she can touch and move the toys with ease - and it wont be long until she fits into it properly anyway.

Here's a clip of it (finally!)

There's actually a little toy house on there with a tiny door that you can open and close - and Kayla is such a clever little thing she can actually open and close it! It's quite surprising because it's so small and even I find it hard to open and close! lol!

She's also getting much stronger now too and is starting to push herself up onto her arms when she is on her belly! I have a feeling that she is going to be an early crawler (but I'm hoping not because the later she does - the more time we have to child proof the house properly! lol! Plus she keeps me on my feet enough already with her cheeky games!)

If that's not clever enough - last night I was sitting with her on the couch and I stood her up on the floor with her arms resting on the couch. She was standing so strong and holding herself up that I was able to take my hands away and she was standing on her own for 9 seconds!!! (that's while holding herself up with the couch!) Such a clever little thing!!!

She is in such a gorgeous mood all the time now and she had her first GIGGLE on April 1st! AND I captured it on camera!!

Here it is...

So cute!! She's actually giggling a lot more than that now too!

John and Emily are coming to visit this week! And the timing could not be better because Kayla is the cutest she has ever been and she's very playful now!

This has definitely been my favourite month so far - full of discoveries and fast learning and I can honestly say that unlike the last monthly posts - I can't think of any problems we have with her at all at the moment! The last months problem was with the dummy but now she doesn't want it as much (Thank Heavens!) the only thing is she pretends to want it to see how much attention she can get (as I explained in my last post) but that's really not a problem - just her clever personality which I can deal with :-).

I have found this blog to be really great - not just for our family and friends to keep you all up to date with Kayla, but for myself too! I love looking back on all the posts to compare them to the present time and it really reminds me how much Kayla has grown in size and maturity! This is also good for Kayla to look back on too when she's old enough - to read about her own journey!

And that's why comments on here are much appreciated too because I know Kayla will love to read back on them one day. So Thank you for those who do take the time to comment, and also to all who take the time to read.

I just hope her 4th month is as fun as this month! (If not more!)

All I have is this piccy to show ya's at the moment - I've got to sort out all my photos again now that I have a new computer...

Oh by the way! I was aiming to lose 5KG by the time Kayla turned 3 months.......
AND I DID IT! :-) YAY!!! - Spot on the day too! (Though I've lost another kilo since then because that was a week ago! lol!)

But I'll be going off my diet over the Easter Period (how could I not!? :-P) So don't get up me if my weight loss slows down (or I gain!)!!! :-P Thanks for stopping by! xx

Losing the baby weight...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Cheek of it!

This Cheeky lil monkey has turned into quite the little smarty pants!!

She has figured out that when she cries, Mummy or Daddy attend to her to see what the problem is! Until now - she would usually only cry when she would wake up through the night to be fed or need a nappy change or when she is tired and cranky and due for a nap (or if she was in pain from belly aches.) But now - the little miss has learned to pretend cry and she likes to play a little game to test how much attention she can get!

The other night I couldn't sleep and was up very late - so I put Kayla in the nursery to sleep so that she wouldn't disrupt Dan's sleep when she was ready to feed. (She sleeps in our room with us for now because it get's very hot in the nursery with the weather at the moment.) After feeding and changing her I nursed her back to sleep and then put her in the cot. I was still wide awake so I went on the internet for a bit.

The minute I sat down, Kayla woke up and started crying, so I went in and checked on her and gave her the dummy because she usually likes to sleep with it. Moments later she started crying again but it was nothing like her usual cry - it was really put on with no real tears. So I went in again and put the dummy back in her mouth and she had a very cheeky smirk on her face! This continued for a while and I realized that she wasn't really grumpy at all in fact she seemed to be getting a kick out of it!

So I went in again and put the dummy back in her mouth, but this time I decided to hide behind the cot to spy on her. I watched the cheeky thing deliberately pull the dummy out of her mouth with her little hand! Then she let out a fake cry and then leaned over to look at the doorway with a big smile on her face like she was expecting me to walk in!

I couldn't believe it! She didn't even want her dummy - she was just pretending she did so that I would keep on coming in to see her - the cheeky thing! So I stayed in hiding to see what she would do next and when she realized I wasn't coming she continued with the fake crying and again peered over at the door with a big smile on her face! (It was kind of like peekaboo!)

I popped up and said "You Cheeky thing I know what you're up to!" Then she quickly wiped the smile off her face and started to pretend again that she was grumpy so that I wouldn't suspect anything! (She knew she was busted so she tried to cover it up!) So I stayed with her a little until she finally started to drift off and when I thought she was asleep I quietly left the room with plans to ignore her cheeky scheme if she tried it again. (It was getting very late and she needed to get some sleep!)

But once again when i left the room she carried on with it and after ignoring her cheeky attempt for a while, eventually she became really upset and starting crying for real because I wasn't giving her the attention she wanted!

By this time it was about 4am and I was ready for bed myself, so I went in and picked her up and she let out a big giggle! I had a laugh with her in the end because I had to hand it to her - she was very clever to fool me like she did!

As soon as I opened the door to our room she had a burst of excitement with laughter and when I layed her down - she fatted out on the bed, let out a big sigh and fell asleep with a big grin on her face!

It's amazing how fast they learn!

Here is a cutie clip of the Cheeky Miss!

And here are the latest piccys...

Fun with wigs!!

Dan reckons she looks like a baby Elaine Clark here (JMays Mum)...



The poor thing puts up with a lot from us!! lol

Clip of the week!

Playing with Daddy!

SmileyCentral.comThanks for stopping by! xx

Losing the baby weight...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kayla Comic - Plumpty Dumpty!

Heehee! This really happened... so I got inspired and whipped up this little comic for a laugh (And no Kayla wasn't really a furby when this happened - I just added it for cuteness *giggles*) ...

True Story! :-D Thanks for stopping by! xx

Losing the baby weight...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Family Resemblance!

In my last post my friend Rae left a comment about how Kayla is starting to look a lot like Dan. This reminded me to have another look through our old baby pics to look for more similarities as Kayla grows. (Thanks Rae! It's one of my favourite things to do! hehe!)

I actually don't have many baby photos of myself - just a handful of newborn shots and then a few toddler pics with not really any in between of me at Kaylas age now.

But I do have this one - I'm guessing when I was about 6 or 7 months? (Mum correct me if I'm wrong and I'll edit this later hehe!) and I don't know if it's just me - but I did still notice some similarities between Kayla and myself as a baby...

But then I had a look at Dans baby pics which his parents John and Sue so generously posted to me. In the mix are two photos of Dan as a wee baby - not sure how old he is here (John and Sue feel free to let me know) but I gotta say - I saw a STRONG resemblance immediately...

Blew my mind!

Well one thing is for sure - she is definately our baby!!!

I wonder who she'll grow to look most like as a toddler...

I'm hoping Dan... he was SUCH a cutie!!!...

hehe! Thanks for stopping by! xx

Losing the baby weight...

Monday, March 16, 2009

This and That!

Well there's not a lot to talk about lately - because nothing much has changed since my last post. Kayla is smiling more by the day and her personality is really shining through. She's staying awake for longer periods at a time now because she is more entertained by the things around her but she still wakes every 2 to 3 hours in the night! (*sigh*) I sooo can't wait until she starts sleeping through!!

We took her to a friends BBQ the other night where there were other children and bubs - and Kayla had a blast! She is so fascinated by other 'little people' she just stared and smiled at the other children all night it was adorable! When we first arrived she was due for a nap and had already been awake for about 3 hours before we left. So I was really expecting her to sleep the whole time we were there or be a very cranky little girl. But she loved it so much - she ended up staying awake with smiles for a further 4 hours (That's 7 hours in total!!)

I'm totally kicking myself, because there were some really gorgeous moments she had with Cooper (Natt and Daves baby who is 6 months old) and I went to grab my camera out of my bag but couldn't find it! I figured I left it at home, but by the time we got home... there it was... in the baby bag... the WHOLE TIME!!! So I could have captured some really cute photos of them together and I'm really bummed out that I miss out!

Ah well there's always next time!

We finally got Kayla's Pediatric appointment time in the mail for her hernia. It is on the 7th of April at 8:30am - which is actually the same day that Grandad John and Aunty Emily arrive!!! (Daniel's Father and Sister) but they arrive at night - so it works out fine. We are really looking forward to their arrival and can't wait for them to meet little Kayla.

Oh... here's some news - The little Chubette is now a size 00! Actually she only JUST fits into a size 00 and is just about a size 0!! She is such a little porker! But we can't figure out why? She doesn't even feed as much as the average baby her age is suppose to - so we are definitely not over feeding her. She is really cute though... I've always loved chubba bubbas, and I guess all babies are different so we are not worried.

Speaking of Porkers... I've lost 2.6KG since my last post! hehe!! So that weight loss ticker has really helped to motivate me! :-)

Here are some recent photos of the Chubette...

Clip of the week!

This was so funny! We were giving Kayla a bath the other night and she was full of smiles because I kept making the 'brrrrrr' noise that she loves. Then Dan decided to give it a go too to try and make her smile, but her reaction to Dans attempt was much different...

heehee! I can't decide whats funnier... Kaylas reaction, or Daniels attempt at making that noise!! Thanks for stopping by! xx

Losing the baby weight...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Now that I've finally learned how to shrink AVI files and upload videos easily to Blogger, I thought I'd share some old videos of Kayla that I wanted to post at the time they were made - but missed out because I couldn't get them to work on here!

But because there are SO MANY - I'd be nuts to post them all! So instead I've picked a handful of random snippets and transferred them all onto the one video! WANNA SEE?!! :-D!!

It's about 7mins long - so make sure you watch it when you've got some time. Now - I had a bit of trouble editing this - because the programs preview wasn't working for some reason! So I actually had to guess that everything was in order, and I couldn't actually view the final product until I transformed it into a video! (Which took bloody hours to do!) So some of the clips drag on a bit - so please just bare with it! :-)

(Note: Make sure you turn the volme on the video down a bit before you play it! My voice can get very loud and annoying because the camera's mic is right up close to my mouth! [Plus the vid begins with Kayla's piercing new born cry!]) Heehee!...



I can't believe how much she has grown already!

Speaking of Flashbacks - I finally got some photos I didn't have off Mum and Dad, so I wanted to share them with you too...

In the Delivery Room...

In Special Care...

By the way! I've decided it's time to get my butt in gear and lose the baby weight! I wanted to lose a bit of weight before I fell pregnant, but there wasn't much hope of that when suddenly I ballooned even more from the pregnancy! Then after I had Bub the last thing I wanted to do was diet because I was on such a strict eating plan with the Gestational diabetes - all I wanted was some junkfood! (Hi, my names Rachel and I'm a junkfoodaholic!) lol I was stuffing my face with red frogs the minute Kayla was born! ha!

But anyways - I've had my junkfood fix now (so I say!) - and it certainly hasn't helped with losing the baby weight! (no suprise!) So the time has come for me to get healthy again, and to help motivate me I've attached a weight loss ticker which will appear at the end of every post to share my progress with you all!

And if you notice it doesn't go down... feel free to kick my butt about it! *giggles*

I need to lose 12.6KG but I want to lose 16.6KG to reach my goal of 54KG. My usual healthy weight is 58KG (I've never been lighter than that) but I wanted to make a bigger challenge for myself! So wish me luck! :-)

SmileyCentral.comThanks for stopping by! xx

Losing the baby weight...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Special Moment!

(*giggles* I always wanted to say that! :-P)

OK - So yesterday for the very first time Kayla learned how to bat objects!!! So cute! I have been trying for weeks to interest her in toys and stuff - hoping to entertain her some how when she gets really stroppy, but she would never really take much notice and would get more enjoyment out of staring at the ceiling! lol!

But yesterday I had her in her rocker and she got very cranky because she was due for a feed and nap! She chucked a tanty and threw her little arms up in a strop and accidentally bumped the little mobile that was hanging off it. The look on her face was like 'ooooo I can move things!!!' And then she became very curious and started banging it deliberately - she was so excited by it!

So I immediately grabbed the camera and started filming!

Unfortunately - I hadn't emptied the images in my camera for a while so the film kept cutting out due to the memory being full. So I would take a little snippet - then quickly delete something to make room for another little snippet etc. So I've added 3 videos of the little snippets I got!

This first clip is the cutest - just seconds after she JUST discovered it - but because I was in such a rush to capture it - I didn't have time to turn on the light, plus the lens was foggy because the camera had been in the air conditioning. (And it doesn't help that I had to shrink the file to upload it - so it lost MORE quality!) So I apologize for crap quality - but I just could not miss it! (and it doesn't make it any less of a special moment!) :-)

Isn't she just the cutest???!

This second clip is with the light on so you can see it a little better - but the lens was still foggy!...

And lastly... I finally realised that the lens was foggy - so I wiped it! But the novelty was starting to wear off for her because she was still due for a feed and nap! hehe! So I fed her and got her to bed after this one...

Gosh I love it when she discovers new things!!

We're really starting to notice what her likes and dislikes are too. Though there is not a lot she dislikes at the moment - but one thing I know she hates is having her feet tickled!

But the things that she loves that make her laugh is having her chubby cheeks grabbed at and having her lips tickled. By lips tickled I mean when you nuzzle the dummy or bottle up to her mouth she giggles because it tickles her.

She also loves to have her hair stroked - it makes her very smiley plus it relaxes her. And she LOVES it when we sing to her or even just talk to her (she sure loves her attention! But that's OK because we sure love to give it to her!)

She also loves this noise...

It makes her smile every time!!

And here are some of her favourite things...


Schuffle bunny is a cute youtube of a singing bunny. Kayla loves the song and gets smiley when she sees and hears it! (Although not all the time - sometimes I play it too much for her liking lol!)
The link to it is HERE if you want to check out what I'm talking about.

Blue Hippo!

This Hippo is a part of a group of cut out animals located just above the change table. She hates getting her nappy changed - so it's a perfect little distraction to keep her entertained while we change her. I don't know what it is about this Hippo - but there is something about it that calms her right down!! When ever she starts screaming with colic or any other problems she has, all we have to do is show her the Hippo and she will just stop and stare in awe!

Little Lion!

She loves this Lion too but it has a completely different effect on her! As soon as she sees him she is FULL of smiles, laughs her little head off and she wriggles her body with bursts of excitement. She loves to be real up close to him! (I must get a video of her with both of them to show you what I mean!)

It's funny because there are heaps of other animals there too - but she doesn't care for the others. It's just these too that she loves - it must be the colours or something!

And this is the strangest one...

This is a pattern on our curtain in our room. There's just something about this image that she is mesmerized by! When I put her down for naps in our bed sometimes - this picture always has to be in her view or she'll cry if she can't see it! She'll even try and force herself to stay awake just to stare and smile at it all day!

So I think it's pretty safe to say that her favourite colours are blue and orange! And funnily enough they are my two favourite colours to dress her in because they suit her so well and light up her face!

I can't wait to see what she'll discover next!!

By the way - I've been posting quite often lately so you may not have had a chance to see my last couple of posts! If ya haven't seen Kaylas latest photo shoot yet - click HERE. Also if you haven't seen her little comic strip yet either - click HERE! (Or ya can just scroll down! :-)) They are really cute!

SmileyCentral.comThanks for stopping by! xx