Little Kayla wearing the cutie outfit that her Aunty Em got her!YAY!! Wat a wonderful Easter we've had!! I hope your Easter was has fun as ours!!
First we had John arrive on late Tuesday night and he popped over for a nightcap and to meet little Kayla. Kayla woke up just as he arrived too so it worked out perfectly!
John meeting Kayla for the first time...

I must admit - I was a little nervous about Kayla meeting John and Emily for the first time, because she is at that stage where she is getting a bit of stranger anxiety! But Kayla took to them both straight away (she knows who her family is!! hehe) In fact she adores them as much as they do her!

John came with some beautiful gifts for the little Miss from the Gizzy family and we'd like to say a BIG THANKS to each of you!
Grandma Sue - I've already thanked you personally on the phone for your absolutely GORGEOUS gifts, but just wanted to say THANKS AGAIN! :-)
Great Grandma Gillies - Thanks for your amazing quilt that must have taken you ages to make! We just love how you've used the material from Grandad Johns sweater too! Very Sentimental! :-)
Great Aunty Catherine - Thank you for the BEAUTIFUL Pink hood outfit! Even if it never gets cold here - I will still make her wear it! :-P haha it's just gorgeous!! :-)
Great Aunty Elaine - Thanks so much for the size 1 body suits!! I actually don't have any size 1 clothing yet so it will sure come in handy!! :-)
Aunty JMay - Thanks for the ''I Luv NZ'' cutie top! I just ADORE IT!!! I don't know what you were worried about though - it's a size 6mth up so it's actually too big for her at the moment! But I sure can't wait until she fits it! :-)
Also Thanks again to
Aunty Emily for the cutie clothes and headbands for Kayla and to poor
Grandad John for using up all his weight and space in his little suit cases to bring us all these gifts! hahaha! Must have been a nice light trip back for you!
While I'm at it - I also want to give a big Thanks to
Aunty Nite (my friend in America) Who sent Kayla the most gorgeous outfit I have ever seen IN MY LIFE!!!! It arrived on the day that John arrived - so it sure felt like Christmas time! Nite Byrd - Thankyou! It's absolutely gorgeous!!! xx
I should also mention that on the Tuesday morning Kayla had her pediatrician appointment for her hernia. It has actually gone down a lot so everything is fine and nothing to worry about. We've just gotta take her back in 6months time to see how it's going from there.
Wednesday we had John and Mum over for lunch and after lunch Dan and John went on a wee road trip to Ingham to check out the scenery. I stayed at home with Kayla because I don't do well at all being in the car for more than an hour (I get pretty bad car sickness) but the guys enjoyed themselves!
Later that night John came over for dinner and some DVDs (though we never got around to watching any because there were too many good TV shows on hehe).
Thursday afternoon Emily arrived and came over for some lunch and to meet her gorgeous neice!
Em meeting Kayla for the first time...

and we had a family BBQ for dinner later that night at Mum and Dads house, which was really lovely and my family were thrilled to catch up with them again as much as we were!
Catching up with the family...
Aunty Em playing with Kayla...For Good Friday we had planned on going to the Strand for lunch or the lovely lagoon for a swim, but the weather wasn't so good so we ended up going to a nice park called Queens Gardens where we had fish and chips and Kayla had her first swing and loved it!!!
Kayla's First Swing!...

Later that night John and Emily joined us at home for dinner and a movie night which was quite nice.
Saturday night was a big night! Our friend Natt had her 30th birthday party which was a hollywood dress up theme (Movie Characters!) (HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN NATTY WATT! We had an awesome time!!) Dan and I went as Riff Raff and Magenta from Rocky Horror Picture show...
Dan & I...

Emily joined us at the last minute and we were stumped for ideas on a costume for her. So we went through my wardrobe and she got creative and created her own character calling herself Holly Wood! (Pretty clever I thought!)
Em, Dan & I...

Mum came too and made an AWESOME effort by coming as Princess Fiona the Ogre from Shreck!...
Em, Dan, Mum & I...

We had a lot of fun! Meanwhile Grandad John stayed at home to babysit Kayla, where he got to change his first Kayla pooey nappy!!!...
Caught on Camera...

Easter Sunday we had a lovely afternoon lunch at Mum and Dad's where we got to pig out and watch some cool DVD's!
Watching DVD's with Daddy...

We took John and Emily out to dinner later that night to Sizzler (an all you can eat restaurant!!) and though we were all still stuffed from lunch... we still gave it our best shot! (Especially me because I was off my diet for 2 days only LOL!)
Dressed up for Sizzler...

Monday morning, sadly we had to say goodbye to Aunty Emily as she needed to leave early to get back to her busy lifestyle. But we were excited to hear that she may even be coming back in August to come to Natt and Daves Wedding!!! (And to spend more time with Kayla ofcourse! hehe!) I sure hope so!!! That would be awesome!!!
John stayed an extra day and joined us for lunch at Mum and Dads where they got to say goodbye.
Kayla having fun with Grandad before he leaves...

After pizza and DVD's at our house later that night, it was time for us to say Goodbye to Grandad too! But just like Emily - he said that if Emily comes back in August - he will toooooo! :-) YAY!!!
Thank you both so very much for coming to visit us - we had SUCH a wonderful time and can't wait to see you both again. It has also made us realize just how much we miss everyone else too and our next goal is to save for a trip to GIZZY hopefully soon!! :-)
Here are some more cutie pics...
Loving her baths...
She's now sucking her thumb!!!...
Giggles with Granma...
Dancing with Poppy...

Clip of the Week!This was so cute... earlier in this night the song 'Macarena' came on and she was dancing to it in Granmas lap. Then the song came on again later in the night and she danced to it again! She didn't dance to any other song - so she obviously likes the macarena!!

Thanks for stopping by! xx
Losing the baby weight...