Monday, June 29, 2009



I can not believe she is HALF A YEAR OLD ALREADY!!!

Current Weight: 10200 grams
Current Length: 75cm
Current Size: 0 - 1

(Use the online converter if you would like to work it out in pounds and inches.)

OK... so this post is an extra special long one because I have finally borrowed Dad's camera and have taken a whole bunch of photos and videos that I have been dying to for so long! And what better time to do a super post than her 6 Month post?!!

There is a lot to get through, so feel free to be selective or come back later to check out the rest in small doses, but don't blame me for going nuts OK? Because I have gone SO long without a camera! hehe! (Thanks Dadda!! xx)

This month I have two words to describe Bubette... and they are - CHEEKY MONKEY!! She has sooo much personality now and I gotta tell ya - she's not even crawling yet and she is already a little handful! Nothing we can't handle but boy oh boy is she cheeky!!

She gets very hyperactive and bounces and kicks around, pulls our hair, lets out ear piercing squeals, tries to steal our food, throws her dummy across the room then demands us to go fetch it, fights to stay awake, grabs on tight to everything in sight and wont let go - and when we take something off her she throws a tantrum! She is extremely strong and can be quite the little bossy boots!!

I'm making her sound like quite the little terror eh? Haha well it's not really as bad as it sounds, just ya typical 6 month old TEETHING baby!! It's actually all quite cute really and she does it all with love! It can just get a little bit tiring when she is non stop all day! But Luckily for me - she has good naps during the day to help Mummy recover for the next round! *giggles* Dan gives me good breaks too and will take over when he is home and I am too exhausted. And Thank GOD I have Nanna and Granma helping out every week too! (Thanks guys! xx)

The teething has been a bit hard for her lately - the poor bugger is really feeling the pain! The screams she can belt out are blood curdling! It really is heart breaking when she is clearly in agony and there is not a whole lot we can do about it! Baby panadol doesn't seem to work for her at all, in fact we find it makes her agitated! I am the same - so I'm thinking she might have the same reaction to it as I do. We stopped using Bonjela because we heard that recent studies have shown that it is toxic and can cause brain damage in babies. I don't know how true that is - but we'd prefer to be safe than sorry, besides - it didn't seem to be helping much anyway.

The best thing we have found for her teething is simply to help keep her mind off it! We distract her and keep her entertained as much as we can when she is feeling the pain. I think this is why she can get silly and hyperactive, because she is trying to enjoy herself but the pain is annoying her. But she is such a beautiful happy, bubbly little thing - even when she is in agony and we are very proud of her for getting through it!

She's sitting up on her own now!! Well... she has a little topple every now and then, but she is clearly capable. Wont be long till she'll be crawling! We are going to have to child proof the house very soon I think!

She actually is smarter than I give her credit for! I don't think to try new things because I just expect that she is not ready - when she actually is. Like with the sitting - it was a surprise to me because I assumed she wouldn't be able to so I never really gave her the chance. But just by chance I propped her up on the floor one day when I was reaching for something and realized that she was actually sitting on her own! So I couldn't actually tell you when it started to be honest!

Last week after feeding her one night I left a jar of baby food with her spoon in it on her play table. I must have put it there without realizing because I was searching for it everywhere to clean up and put away. The next morning I put Kayla in the play table, still not realizing it was there. She was happy playing away, when the phone rang so I left her to answer it.

I noticed that she had gone quiet so I popped my head around to check on her and the first thing I saw was her face covered in slop!! I quickly ran over to her and here she was with a spoon full of food in her mouth! I kind of froze for a second wondering where the heck it had come from and while I was thinking about it - here was Kayla - dipping the spoon back into the jar FOR MORE!!

I couldn't believe it!! The clever little thing was feeding herself just like Mummy and Daddy do! I never ever would have thought that she would have been clever enough to do that - but she did! Anyways it clicked to me suddenly that it was her missing dinner from the night before so I grabbed it off her just in case it had gone bad. (Although the weather was really cold that night - so it was fine really.) But she was not a happy chappy for having it confiscated!

She is mimicking us a lot lately - it is very cute. I have noticed that when I have a drink from a cup - she will pick up a toy and pretend to drink it when ever I take a sip. When Dan and I eat our dinner she eyes off our food and wants to eat it too. She will reach out and grab food straight off our plates if she is close enough, or she will just sit there and beg.

I was eating a muffin last week and she was giving me the puppy dog look and reaching out because she wanted some. Dan is a total sucker for this look and he insisted that I give her a little taste of it. As soon as she tasted it - her little eyes lit up and next thing she has snatched the whole muffin off me and starts sucking away madly on it!! I was trying desperately to grab it off her quickly because there is a lot of sugar in it and I didn't want her to have a sugar rush or something (she is already hyper enough!!) But she was just way too strong for me and would not let go!! We actually had to pry her little hands off of it she was gripping on so tight!! When we finally got it back - she threw the biggest tantrum she has EVER had!! It was a nightmare trying to settle her down!.... Never again!

Actually it's funny, when I was pregnant with Kayla - Dan would often joke to me about how I will be the sucker parent and he would be the sensible one. I agreed with this because I have a big heart and give in easily - especially when it comes to cute things like babies and animals!!

But it has turned out to be the complete opposite to that! Dan is actually the sucker parent and I'm the worry wart! It is Dan who gives in to Kayla's demands and cuteness but it is I who puts the foot down to things that may not be best for Kayla! HAHA! Who would have thought!?

Either way I think together we make the perfect parents! :-) I just love our little family!

Here are the latest Photos and Videos of a typical day with Kayla...
(There are LOTS! - I did warn you ;-))...

Daddy's Girl!!

Got ya hair Daddy!...

Not lettin go Daddy...

Ok Cheeky Girl! ... Jokes over...

Daddy forgives you...

Cuddles now...

Ok Daddy... you can have ya hair back... but your nose is mine!...

Cheeky Monkeys!
3 mins 36 seconds long
Lots of fart sounds, giggles and nose biting...

She's getting taller...

Kayla Standing!
1 min 22 seconds long
Kayla is getting stronger and better at standing on her own (with a little help of course!)...

She sits by herself...

Sitting Up!
2 mins 53 seconds long
A little clip of Kayla sitting up all by herself...

She loves to be picked up by Daddy...

and she knows when she is about to go for a drive to Nanny and Poppy's...

7 seconds long
When Kayla wants to be picked up - she does this...


Her hernia has gone down a lot...

Jolly Jumpin!
1 min 28 seconds long
Kayla uses her jumping skills to make music...

Lil monkey...

Play Table Fun!

3 mins 33 seconds long
Kayla plays in her play table with much more ease and excitement now
(Even if it is at 2am on a Sunday morning!!!)...

Dinner Time...

Miss Piggy!
4 mins 14 seconds long
Kayla LOVES her food...

Bath Time...

Splish Splash!
43 seconds long
A little clip of Bub in the bath...

After her bath...

Mirror, Mirror on the wall!
53 seconds long
Kayla spots a prettiest girl of them all...

Nudie Rudie...

Roley Poly!
21 seconds long
Kayla rolling over...

Snuggle Bug on a Rug...

I don't usually like the cats going near Kayla, but while I was taking these photos - out of nowhere our cat Boodgie just parked his bum right next to her!! It was sooo weird because the cats usually stay well away from her! Kayla was really fascinated by it too... so I let him stay for some photos! hehe...

Here's a little clip of it...
58 seconds long

One last play before bedtime...

Toe Biter!
51 seconds long
Kayla is always trying to suck on my toes when ever I am sitting down with her. Here's a clip of her trying again (and don't worry - I moved just in time... but it was a very close call! lol!)...

Bed Time...

Mummy -Daughter Duet!
1 min 32 seconds long
Kayla sings "There's a little bird" with her Mummy!
She usually sings lead but she was a little camera shy this night so she sang back up this time. hehe

She's most gorgeous when she first wakes up in the morning - her face lights up because she is so happy to see us...

And then we do it all again! :-)

By the way... I've had a wee break from the weight loss - so I haven't quite made it to my final goal yet... BUT I haven't gained any more weight either! I've manged to maintain my weight without even dieting!! WOOOHOOO!

Giggle Guts!
30 seconds long
Here's a special bonus clip of Kayla having giggles at peekaboo after having dinner...

*giggles* Thanks for stopping by! xx

Losing the baby weight...

4 Comments for Kayla - Click here to comment too!:

Peach said...

AHHHHHHH I LOVE HER!!!!! Yes she does look like Harry too !!!!!! I worked out the weight and H is about 20 lbs now which is one behind K - AND STILL NO TEETH for H - hahah - He has just about learnt to sit up, but like you, I hadn't put him down in the sitting position so he hadn't really learnt it - but now he has, save a few rollings over... He eats loads too - but NOT as cool as K - he doesnt feed himself much !! AHHHHH I would so LOVE them to meet when I'm over !!! XXXX Lovely lovely post XXXX

Kayla's Nanny said...

Awww...I love the mummy daughter duet!

nitebyrd said...

She's so big! How adorable. Love all the pictures and videos!

Neil said...

AAWWWWW I WANT HER!!! lol she looks like shes turning into a cheeky little cherub! her smiles are absolutley gorgeous! Ive noticed shes looking more like Dan as she gets older! 'cept chubbier and (sorry dan :P) i think its time for cuddles again soon before she's all growed up! :P xoxo