Thursday, July 29, 2010


What a Big Girl!!

Current Weight: 17900g
Current Length: 88cm
Current Size: 3-4

Well in the month before she was pretty full on and a bit of a terror! But thankfully by this month she had really calmed down. Well not so much calmed down - she's still as active and full of energy like she was before but at least now she uses her energy in a much more positive way! Instead of the hitting and biting like she was doing last month - I've been keeping her as busy as I can which has seemed to work. I think her violent outbursts were just out of boredom or something - because as long as I can keep her entertained she is as sweet as an angel! lol

And since then she has been WONDERFUL! Mummy's little helper! I figured it was about time to let her help me out with ádult duties' around the house, since she is just so persistent - usually I would set some activity's up in her playroom while I try to get stuff done, but she would usually demand for my attention and just want to be everywhere were I was. It never actually occurred to me at the time that she could be interested in helping me with house duties! I just figured that she would just get in the way and make an even bigger mess - so I never really gave her the chance to be honest. But she has really impressed me and has proven to be very capable of helping me with many things and it totally blows me away! I actually feel quite bad about it because I often just assumed she's far too young to be capable of many things - just like when she started sitting up on her own, I thought surely she wouldn't be ready and didn't bother to let her try - but sure enough just by accident one day I realised she could! I believe that she probably would have had quite a few milestones earlier if I just encouraged her more, but I've certainly learnt my lesson now and I am still learning because she is my first - it just blows my mind at how smart these little human beings actually are! I guess I just forget that she does grow and will not be a baby forever. lol I just wish I encouraged her more, sooner.

So since I came to this realisation she is a totally different child! I've stopped treating her like my precious little baby that needs help with everything and started letting her do things for herself. Because of that - she just seems so appreciative now that I am letting her become the "big girl" that she clearly wants to be and is just so much happier too. Not just her but myself as well - for too long I was making it tough on myself - feeling like I couldn't get anything done because she just needed my full attention to do 'baby things' with her - when in actual fact - all she wanted was to do ádult things' with me! So this way I have been able to not only get duties done around the house - but I get a little helper as well, and get to spend quality time with her - and more importantly - having her help actually makes housework fun!! It's just fantastic!!

She helps me tidy up by putting all her toys in the toybox, and rubbish in the bin. If she spills something on the floor she will actually head to the kitchen to reach for a cloth to clean it up! She loves to gather up the laundry and put them in the washing machine for me, and she'll pass them to me to hang up to dry. Then when the clothes are dry I'll take them down and pass them to her and she'll happily put them into the washing basket for me. She'll even help me prepare her meals for her too - though she's still not very good at making sandwiches yet (*giggles*) she loves to thread her chopped up fruit onto a paddle pop stick! She will even help herself to the fridge now and get herself a yoghurt or popper if I give her permission to. They are just a few of many things that she does, I am just so blown away by how clever and capable she really is. *sigh* Our baby sure is growing up!

She already has her first chore which is feeding the cats! I don't know how she does it but spot on the dot at around 6pm everyday she will head into the kitchen, open the pantry, grab out a can of cat food and box of biscuits then head out the door to feed them! Daddy has to open the can for her of course but she will pour the food in and wont spill a drop! Man she amazes us! We would probably forget to feed the cats ourselves if it wasn't for her! ha!

And the way she understands us too is quite amazing - I just talk to her normally now as if I'm talking to Dan or anyone who can understand English (lol) and she will respond with full understanding almost every time! Like before I also often assumed that if she does not use certain words then she probably wouldn't understand them - or like sentences, since she doesn't speak in sentences like we do - how would she know what we were saying? But that's rubbish really isn't it! I mean obviously that is how they learn - it's just something that is hard to get my head around because the rate that babies/children learn is really quite incredible to me.

Earlier today I just randomly asked her to close our bedroom door... did I actually think she would understand that? Hell no!.... BUT SHE DID! =O She instantly responded by walking up to our bedroom door reached for the handle... and CLOSED IT! Is it weird that I am totally amazed by that? Seriously? I don't ever remember teaching her the words 'Door' or 'Close' let alone the meanings and using them in a sentence! The other night I pointed to a towel laying on the lounge room floor and asked Dan to pass it to me... before he even had the chance Bubette was already on the job! She ran to the towel, picked it up and handed it to me! And many other things too - like changing the channel or turning the telly off when I ask her to. I really don't give her enough credit for how smart she actually is.

She also wipes her own face, tries to dress herself and lets me know when she needs a nappy change by pointing to her bum and saying "Yacky poo poo's!"hehe. She brushes her own hair (and even brushes my hair too) and tells me "Öoohhh Pretty!" when I get dressed up. She can count to 6 now and is getting better with her alphabet and she is finally talking on the phone now to people on the other line! Before she would pick up the phone and would blab away to no one, but the minute there was someone on the other line she would go silent every time. But now she will yap away in her own little babble language with the hand mannerisms and everything. It's so funny - and she throws in occasional English words like "Hello!! *herownlanguagebabble* Awww OK... *herownlanguagebabble*... Ohh yeah?? *herownlanguagebabble* A,B,C,1,2,3 .... OK Bubye"

She especially loves to talk to her Nanny and Poppy on the phone lately - in fact she even learnt that by pushing a certain button (the button with my parents stored number!) she can call Nanny and Poppy! I was in the kitchen preparing lunch one afternoon when I walked out to find the little Miss yapping away on the phone. I thought she was just pretending but after a while I thought I'd better make sure she didn't accidentally ring someone. So I took it off her and listened on the line to find Nanny talking back to her!! It was too cute to be mad at her, but she cottoned on quickly and remembered the exact button to press and did it again that same night while I was cooking dinner this time - and this time Poppy answered! haha So I've really got to keep the phone out of reach when she's unattended. lol

When she is not helping me around the house - (or calling Nanny and Poppy) she is playing Mummy to her own baby dolls. She cuddles and kisses them, wipes their bums (haha) shares her bottle with them, reads to them and rocks them to sleep. She will not sleep without them now and we are hoping that they will replace the comfort of her bottle soon (which she still hasn't quite given up yet!)

Dan has been taking her to the park down the road lately which she really looks forward to. But as soon as poor Dan walks through the door home from work - Kayla grabs his hand and leads him right back out the door to take her to the park hehe! He doesn't mind though - he does enjoy it - he takes the soccer ball and they play kick together. It's so cute - she actually kicks the ball really well - Great Grandad Iain and Grandad John would be very proud!! She even say's "Kick a ball" now which was Dan's first words as a baby - only she says it like a kiwi "Kuck a ball" HAHA!

But at least she leads Dan to take her to the park and not just take off without him like she does to me! A few weeks ago I had just had a bath with her and just as we stepped out Kayla decided to sprint for the front door (the latch wasn't shut properly so it was open) and head to the park! Imagine this chubby naked baby running down the road with a mad woman in a towel frantically chasing after her!... Yeah - not fun at all, but I'm sure it gave the neighbours a good laugh! I now make sure the screen door is shut securely! lol

This month was a very special month for our family - it seemed like such a long lead up to it but the day finally came for my Brothers Wedding! YaY!

Congratulations Danial and Evelyn - it was a beautiful ceremony!

Kayla was certainly the life of the party at the reception! That little Miss can party harder than the rest of us! I was actually very worried that she might be a handful on the day and interrupt the ceremony or speeches or something by being restless. But she did amazingly well! Especially at the reception - all she wanted to do was dance her little heart out on the dance floor. And dance she did - all night long right up until the end of the night! She would stop for little 5 minute breaks walking over to Nanny and resting her little head on her lap, then she'd let out a sigh and go straight back to the dance floor and boogie away again! I think she won the hearts of many people that night - everyone seemed to adore her. She has such great rhythm too - dancing slowly and swaying to slow songs to getting down and shaking her booty to the upbeat music! She was a laugh and a half and we couldn't have asked for a better daughter! It was great to catch up with the rest of the Garrett / McCallum family too!

Speaking of dancing - another little thing I want to mention that Kayla loves to do - She knows how to turn the stereo on in the kitchen and so often she will head up to the stereo - turn it on, find a song she likes, blasts the volume and shakes her booty! It is so very adorable!

She is such a little comedian so full of life and personality and she LOVES to laugh and make others laugh too. We are very proud of our growing Bubette! <3

Being silly with the camera...

Like Dada like Daughter...

She loves wearing Mummy's wigs!...

Family BBQ...

Cuddles with Nanny time...

Cuddles with Poppy time...

Reading time...

Eating time...

Horsie Ride time...

Drawing time...

Silly dress up time...

Bike riding time...

Kuck a ball time...

OK bed time now...

Shopping Trip...

Fun at Aunty Ev's Hens Party...

Family BBQ afterwards...
Sneaking a cupcake!

Will she get away with it?...


"Poppy's here now! He'll let me have cupcakes!" =P...

"Poppy is my most fave person in the world"...

"Giddyup Poppy!!"...

"Where's Poppy?"...


She gets her cheek from her Poppy - that's for sure!...

Kayla finds out there are no cupcakes left...

Time to go home!...

The Wedding Day!...

Graunty Sam takes a photo of Kayla in her pretty dress...
It turns out blurry but still cute! =)...

Nanny and Poppy...


Aunty Anita and Uncle Pauly Poo...

Graunty Karen, Granma and Graunty Sam...

Mummy and Dada...

Mummy and Aunty Hef!...

Aww Bubette not impressed that all eyes are on the Bride and not on her...

Mummy and Daughter...

Stealing all the ice...

Eating her bracelet??? What the?!...

Cheeky Monkey!...

She finds the dance floor...

and stays there for the rest of the night lol!...

until she's forced away for dinner...

but then she's straight back out there...

short rest with Nanny...

then back to dancing...

OK getting really tired now...

but must... keep... dancing!!!...

Everyone cheers when she walks on the stage...

she sure loves all the attention!...

Dan's face... LOL...

Next day - wee family gathering with fun in the sun!...

Catch me Nanny!...




That was fun!...

OK out time now!...

Kayla spots a park across the road...

Family Shot!...

The little Gillies family...

She's not a little baby anymore! *wipes tear*...

... time for another I think! ;) Thanks for stopping by! xx

4 Comments for Kayla - Click here to comment too!:

Anonymous said...

Awesome hunny! Tho I think Kayla's "no more cupcakes" face is very similar to mummy's "no more party?!" face when it was home time LOL :)
And OMG how much does she look like Muusy in that wig! Too cute!! <3

<3 squishes from Natty

Neil said...

God shes growing up so quickly! I love the piccies of her with her nanny and poppy <3 She obviously loves them as much as they love her, very cute! BTW you are SMOKING as a brunette!!! PHWOAR!!!!!! :P

Kayla's Mum said...

Natty - haha yeah she looks most like me when she frowns! And I spose she does look even more like Muussy with the dark wig! hehe xx

Neil - She sure does adore her Nanny and Poppy! It's always a fight to take her home from their house - she screams and carries on coz she doesn't want to leave them! lol

Aww thanks for the compliment *blushes* xx

nitebyrd said...

She is just so adorable! You all look beautiful!