Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Something to Smile about!

First things first! Dan got his old job back! So that's GREAT News!!!!

Although he hasn't actually been able to start yet because work has been put off with all this rain! (But at least he has a job - so we're not complaining!)

We took Kayla to see a proper Private Doctor on Monday because I got sick of useless public GP's who can't wait to push you out the door! We saw Dr. Kerry who is a lovely lady and checked out Kayla head to toe. She believes she has bad colic which is probably the reason for most of her discomfort, though she was a little concerned with Kayla's hernia - as it is looking a little bigger than normal...

Poor Bubette! :-(

She has referred us to a pediatrician to have a good look at it. (Finally!!! A doctor who took me seriously!) Other than that - she is one healthy baby!

Her strange poos have seemed to clear up, and we think it may have been from the type of formula we were using. We changed her formula to goats milk, and almost immediately her poos went back to normal! But she still seems to be in pain a fair bit like she has tummy aches, and she farts all the bloody time! (Like HUGE rippers! - it's almost embarrassing to take her out in public! hehe :-P) But hopefully that will get better soon - the poor thing!

Other than her discomforts - she is such a happy gorgeous wee thing! Her personality is really shining through by the day now and she is so full of smiles and laughs. She has adorable bursts of excitment and kicks her little legs around and throws her arms up in the air with a smile. She is holding her own head up now and turns her head towards voices and follows moving objects with her eyes more easily. She's starting to babble and goo and gah like she is trying to talk it is soooo cute it makes my heart melt!

I say 'Hello Darling' to her a lot - it's pretty much the first thing I say to her when she wakes. I swear she said 'Hello' only yesterday like she was trying to mimic my sounds! I know it could be a coincidence but it wouldn't suprise me if it wasn't! The sound she made was like "Hellooo bahingg" almost like she was trying to say "Hello darling!" LOL! She's such a little sweetypie!

I have been getting cute snippit videos of her every now and then, but unfortunately it is so hard to upload them to this blog (which is why I hardly post them!) Uploading videos only seem to work from my Mums computer and even then it can take hours! But when I get some time next time I'm over there I will try and upload a few for ya's to see - because it really is lovely to see her in action rather than just still shots all the time!

But for now, all I can post is more photos...

OMG! Look at this!...Heck she has grown so much! Thanks for stopping by! xx

13 Comments for Kayla - Click here to comment too!:

Dark Side said...

That's amazing the change in her, lovely to see her smiles too and hope everything is ok with the hernia..xx

Anonymous said...

Ouch...that looks sore..even though I know it isn't. Poor little thing! Glad to hear about Dan's job as well and hope it bleeding stops raining soon!

Peach said...

oooh, that hernia looks so bad, poor little lass. I am pleased to note however that she has as many chins as Harry, ha ha xxxx

Kayla's Mum said...

Rae - Thankyouuuu xx

Sam - yeah well if there is a concern with the hernia - there is a chnace that it could be painful for her. (But lets hope not!) xx

Peachypoo - HAHAHAHAHA - see! They are meant to be :-P Chubba chin bubbas are the cutest! (But the camera does add 10 pounds! ;-) xx

Anonymous said...

OMG I can't believe how much she has grown in just the couple of weeks since I saw here!!

Anonymous said...

Aww what a little cutie I mean chubby cutie. Wow before you know it she will be running around causing mayham.. Jack said to say Hi rae, Dan and bubba and that bubba is a nice bubba girl. Ally

Anonymous said...

Wow Im impressed I have never seen a little newborn roll over by herself so early better watch out she will be walking out the front door by3months. he he..Ally

Kayla's Mum said...

Aunty K - I know right? She's flippin huge! lol!! xx

Ally - haha yeah! Wouldn't suprise me if she just stood up and ran off! She hasn't actually rolled over since then - must have been just a fluke! (Or she is just too fat and heavy to move herself now! :-P HAHA!)

P.S. Naawww Thanks Jack! xx

Ken Duck Geraths said...

What a doll uncle Ken says That, that littkle angel is going to be just fine!And uncle Ken would never lie.

Anonymous said...

What a super chubby bubby! O, her hernia looks uncomfortable for her, with the nappies being on or around it. I hope it gets sorted soon for her. She's definitely grown so much!


Kristy said...
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Kristy said...

What a uber cute chubba bubba!!! love the photo of her sleeping with Dan ... she looks so smug HAHA good to hear she's pooping better and I hope she doesnt catch a cold... we've all got it up here :(

Kayla's Mum said...

Uncle Kenny - *giggles* well it you say so, then there's nothin to worry about!:-P xx

JMay - hah yeah she is a little porker! But she does appear even chubbier than she seems in the photos, bad angles I guess! xx

Kristy - Thank youuuu! But too late! She got the flu but it has been and gone so it's all good! I do hope you guys get well soon too! xx